"Miracles of Courage,  How Families Meet the Challenge
of a Childs Critical Illness" is written for children, teens and families.
The author Monica Dickens, is the Great grandaughter of Charles Dickens.
She was the founder of the U.S. branch of the "Samaritans"
 Monica was known for her acts of loyalty and kindness and  
many people were helped by her during difficult times in their lives.


Product Details

In "A Grief Observed," C. S. Lewis writes about his experiences
after the death of his wife, American-born poet Joy Davidman.
Lewis writes openly of his doubts, anger and anguish toward God during his grief. 
It's a book that acknowledges good-byes as one of the ways God stretches our faith
and grows our very soul.


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   In Jonathan's Journey, Katherine Bell helps us see 
   through Jonathan's eyes, the scarlet thread of love
       that is woven throughout the Scriptures.


 Upside Down and Back Again: Hope For The Caregiver
~ Barbara Janet Cooper

This a book about Love, Hope and Care for the family thrown into a difficult role. The words from personal experience, bible verses, prayers and helpful hints will provide the reader with the necessary tools to empower our means to survive in a family tragedy. You will find a blessing in a tragedy that seems hopeless. Through prayer, faith and God's Love, there is Hope, Happiness and a New Beginning!


The Road to Daybreak is a touching, searching narrative that moves the soul.
Henri Nouwen shares his struggles, weaknesses and understanding of love.
He explains openly and honestly, what it's like to work among people with
physical and intellectual disabilites. He addresses their sensitivities, love
and especially their freedom from pride. 
Nouwen writes about his growth and the gift of simplicity
as he lives in the community of L'Arche Daybreak.


Have you ever wondered what life after death is like?
In his book "90 Minutes In Heaven"
Don Piper shares his incredible story of death, pain, and life.
I found this book filled with hope. He doesn't necessarily write from
a deep, contemplative relationship with God,
which sometimes includes suffering.
Instead, I read the words of a Pastor who struggles with the same
analytical weaknesses in his faith that we all have.
That aspect for me, made Don Piper's account all the more believable.
Also available on Kindle 


Pastor and teacher Dr. David Jeremiah shares the the Psalms and how they can comfort and guide Christians through life's greatest challenges. He includes inspiring real-life stories of people who have struggled with terminal illness, the loss of a child, or the imprisonment of a spouse.When Your World Falls Apart is a source of help and encouragement for people facing major obstacles in life.


Heaven Is For Real is the true story of a young boy
 who has a near death experience
and lives to tell about his time in heaven.
Colton's own words as told to his father Todd Burpo,
written with Lynn Vincent is a must read!
Also available is an edition just for kids and a conversation kit for group studies. 


By Paul A. Wright, MD ~ Cardiologist for Mother Teresa during the last five years of her life.