Hi, I'm Kathie...
It depends on different people's knicknames for me through the years.
Until recently, I was a stay at home mom and I dealt with a lot of tedious stuff like
Until recently, I was a stay at home mom and I dealt with a lot of tedious stuff like
diapers, medications, feeding tubes and other nursing needs for my son, who through God's grace and mercy, long outlived his original prognosis.
I believe I did what many other mothers (and also some fathers) have done in similar situations. But throughout the day, it was the quiet moments with God that sustained me. And it was in the hours after the last late night medications, when my son slept peacefully, that I read, wrote, prayed.
Early in the morning before he woke, I enjoyed some uninterupted coffee and read a few verses in the Word. Then I began the job that many people don't consider real work anymore.(For those of you who have ever put up with the phrase "get a real job" I know how you feel1) I may have missed some things in my 30+ years of caregiving. But to borrow the title of one of Maya Angelou's books, "I wouldn't take nothin' for my journey now!"
So, onto this little corner of cyber-space...
I write here because it continues to be a place for me to listen for God's still, small voice. And if something blesses you while you're browsing, feel free to e-mail at Kathie@KathieLangston.com. I'll post it for you here, if you would like. I appreciate hearing from everyone and I'll do my best to get back to each of you. We're all in these turbulent times together and I hope you find some spiritual respite while you're here, to read, listen and share.
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105